The Archives

The Boys in Blue 2008 New Years Eve Ball

[The Archives December 31, 2008]

On a very cold Wednesday December 31, 2008 evening, in a bold move reflecting the harbinger of greater things on the horizon, the STGC Old Boys’ Association (Ontario Chapter) in a joint venture with the Jamaica College Old Boys’ Association of Canada launched their inaugural New Year’s Eve Dance. This was at the Pearson Convention Centre in Brampton, Ontario.

When planning began for the event, alumni of both schools were already in great spirits as their football teams in Jamaica had made it to the finals of the Manning cup.

We share many things together in Ontario, apart from the blue and white school uniforms (one washed out, one dark- one sky blue one dark drab – opinions varying depending on which school you attended).

We both support each other’s fund raising efforts in Ontario and our joint spiral into the heights of Jamaican, schoolboy football by the local teams gave us even more reason to come together to celebrate.

In a beautifully decorated hall, with blue and white balloons and buntings everywhere, over 150 patrons comprising of Old Boys and their spouses, friends and well-wishers rang in the New Year. Roses were given to all the ladies present and complimentary portrait photographs to all couples who attended.

The last ten second countdown to midnight was beautifully orchestrated by maestro, Milton Hart, 1st Vice President and President Elect of the STGC OBA.

With “the Auld Lang Syne”, all was joy and merriment, and swirling dancers embraced and congratulated each other with the coming in of this New Year.

Many thanks to initiators of the event, Immediate Past President of the Jamaica College OBA, David Taylor, and Treasurer of the STGC OBA, Ray Chang. Special thanks too to Danny Ho Lung, Immediate Past President of the STGC OBA and Chris Wynter, President of the Jamaica College OBA for their hard work in making it a reality.

It was great fun! If you did not make this time around, make plans to join us this December 31st for a great time with some great people.