The Archives

Two great Georgians – Jamaican Canadians

[The Archives – November 24, 2015]

Two great Georgians – Jamaican Canadians

The Dedication, Naming and Blessing of the StGC renovated roadway and the Ray Chang Way and Carl Chang Circle signs took place at 3pm this afternoon on Carl Chang Circle on the grounds of the StGC Campus.

The sun shone with a soft glow and the Ceremony was mottled with its light that filtered through the tree branches.

The Mass was celebrated on a beautifully decorated platform forming a part of a fete like designed outdoor hall, together with hospitality tents all wrapped in blue and white drapes and on one side of the area a large flag/poster hung from the roof imprinted with images of Ray Chang and Carl Chang.

A beautiful setting for a moving event.

After the Mass Bishop DuFour blessed the road and signs and the Chang families, represented by Donette Chang and Paula Chang, declared the road open with the symbolic cutting of a ribbon.

The Most Rev. the Honorable Charles H. Dufour was the celebrant with Fr. Rohan Tulloch S.J. and the Principal, Mrs. Margaret Campbell.

Tony Wong