The Archives

Sixth Form Graduates – 2016

[The Archives, May 2016]

It was a very warm and bright Friday evening that the ninety or so sixth form graduates marched into their position at the Carl Chang Circle which was transformed into magical setting in the golden sunset light.

With the men in well-tailored light blue blazers and bloody red bow ties and the ladies in fabulous white dresses adorned with red scarves, the set was exquisitely completed.

Fr. Christopher Llanos SJ, Chairman of the school board open with a prayer, thanking the Lord for preserving the graduates and bringing them to this point in their lives.

Graduate Simon Lee read the First Reading, Jeremiah 29:11-14 : ‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for well-being, and not for calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope.

The Second Reading was read by graduate Miss Kimona Blake: Matthew 5: 13-16:… Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

In his message, Fr. Llanos use the readings to assure the graduates that the Lord has prepared you for the tasks ahead. We are called to go forth in courage and make a difference. The ‘Light’ is your actions of charity, justice and leadership.

Vice- Principal Dave Soares told the graduates that it is now time for the graduates to move on from this noble institution. You have done what you need to do here and the world is ready for you tom make yor mark. He charged…. Go forth and set the world on fire.

In introducing the keynote speaker, graduate Kelicia Williams, welcomed Mr. Earl Jarrett, General Manager of the Jamaica National Group of Companies. In English and fluent Spanish, she switched tongue cleverly and gave the introduction to our esteemed guest speaker: A STGC graduate from the Class of 1976, he holds a MSc. in Accounts, a Fellow Chartered Accountant and has been the General Manager of Jamaica National since 1999. He is credited with transforming the building society from a modest base to a financial powerhouse in Jamaica and in the Jamaican diaspora. He is the patron of the Jamaica Cancer Society and many other service organizations.

In his brief but thoughtful talk, Mr. Jarret went back to his time at St. George’s College and recalled that in his time, we didn’t win any of Manning Cup or Mortimer Geddies Champs Trophies. We were good academically but certainly at the very top. However, our graduates distinguished themselves in leadership, risk taking and making a change where it matters. He mentioned Ray Chang, Carl Chang, Pokar Chandiram and Parris Lyew-Ayee Jr who have brought the ‘light’ in their fields of activities. Likewise, with the foundation developed at St. George’s he charged the graduates to be forces of change for the betterment of the communities they belong to. The country is crying out for change in so many areas of national life. But you cannot do this without the creative force of the Spirit. He ended by reading Ephesian 6:10: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes ….”

There were presentations from members of the Class of 2016, a delightful dance from the St. Theresa’s Prep. Dancers and drumming from STGC’s Jordan Jones and Company.

This was followed by the presentations of Diplomas to the graduates, awards for excellence in each subject and special awards to distinguished overall performers in the Class of 2016. The graduated also presented gifts in recognition of their form teachers and staff at St. George’s College.

The ceremony ended after three and a half hours with the vote of thanks by one of the top performers in the Class of 2016, Jelani Atkinson, grandson of veteran Georgian Winston Atkinson.

It was a memorable night for the graduates of the Class of 2016, Pre- University Program.

STGC Photography Club