
Membership has its privileges


We aim to build a strong community of Georgians and Friends. This community is all about connectedness. We want to make it easy to find each other – from a year ago or fifty years ago. We want those who own and operate businesses to be known. We want to make it possible for any member in any situation to “phone-a-friend” for information or assistance. We want Members to be in-the-know with what’s happening at St. George’s, in Jamaica, with Georgians in Canada and other countries, with brother and sister schools. We want to be in touch with our history through decades of Yearbooks, projects, events, and special achievements.

The newly formed Board Of Directors and other volunteers are working hard to ensure that “membership has its privileges”. It also has its opportunities – to gather with each other and with friends every now and then, whether for dominoes or dancing. The launch of this website marks the start of an ambitious goal to build that strong community.

You can help. Right now. Head over to Dues & Donations. Contribute your 2024 dues to cover the hard costs of essential services. You will see there are several ways to cover that contribution. Among the essential services are those St. George’s is providing to generations of students, most of us included. Pick a project and make it win-win.

If not now, when?  Lao Tsu (6th century BC)