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Dr. Donette Chin Loy Chang elected Chancellor of Toronto Metropolitan University…

Dr. Donette Chin Loy Chang elected Chancellor of Toronto Metropolitan University

Donette has been recommended by the Board of Governors to be the next chancellor of Toronto Metropolitan University. She follows in the footsteps of her late husband, our own Ray Chang (1948-2014, STGC Class of 1964), who was the third chancellor of the institution, formerly known as Ryerson University.

Media releases describe Donette as “a distinguished communications leader, accomplished public affairs strategist, prolific philanthropist and proud alumna of the university.”

Donette is a staunch supporter of our alma mater, St. George’s College. She stays closely in touch with STGC old boys’ associations, with the principal and the school, and is a generous contributor to the welfare of STGC students and to our fundraiser efforts here in Toronto.

The STGC Ontario Chapter wishes Donette our heartfelt congratulations on this remarkable appointment. Your dedication to community service and passion for student success have brought you to this pinnacle of achievement. You will be an outstanding chancellor of TMU!