STGC Hall Of Fame Inductees

2000Adrian Chaplain ’24Faculty
Terence Forrester ’68Science, Medicine
Percival Gibson ’10Religion, Education
Richard Ho Lung ’58Religion, Education
David Weller ’73Sports
Gladstone Wilson ’21Education, Religion
Mario Valenzuela ‘1852Education,Religion
Herbert Ho Ping Kong ’56Science, Medicine & Education
Abraham Issa ’20Business
Byron Lee ’52Arts
Ronald Small ’23Law
2002Arthur McKenzie ’28Sports
William Hannas SJFaculty
Luis F Kennedy ’23Business
Ian Forte ’52Law, Service to the College
2004Lawrence Burke SJ ’48Faculty, Religion
John James McKay ’53Education
Oswald Russell ’48Music
Luther “Teddy” SaundersSports
2006G Raymond Chang ’64Business & Education
Claude McMorris ’44Sports
Leo Quinlan SJFaculty
Francis J Ryan SJFaculty
Ralph Thompson ’44Business
2008Karl Largie ’48Sports
Roy Campbell SJ ’36Faculty
Robbie Vernon ’59Community Spirit, Service to the College
Anthony Chen ’56Scientific Research
Joe Kelly ’33Industry and Service
2010Denis Cruchley SJ ’20Faculty
Dr. Donald D. Clarke, PhD ’46Education and Science
Tommy Lyew ’46-’48Service to College
Robin Mahfood ’60Philanthropy and Service to School
Anthony Hill ’54Public Service and Sports
2012James Hosie SJFaculty
Carl ChangService to the College
Neville BellService to the College
Keith NoadCommunity Spirit, Sports
Professor Barry ChavannesCommunity Spirit, Service to the College
2014Dennis Barnett ’61Sports, Inspiring Leadership
Maurice TennPublic Service, Service to the College
John T RupleyFaculty
Pokar ChandiramCommunity Service, Service to the College
Earl JarrettBusiness, Community Service
2016Fred KennedyFaculty, Service to the College
Ronnie Thwaites (1959)Education, Service to the College
Paul BitterCommunity Spirit, Service to the College
Dr. Aggrey IronsMedicine, Service to the College
Don Wehby (1980)Business, Service to the College
2018Philip Wong (1959)Business, Service to the College
Robert Hill (1959)National and International Recognition
Clovis Metcalf (1961)Community Spirit, Service to the College
Howard Mitchell (1967)National Recognition, Service to the College
2020—No awards (COVID)
2022Francis Price (1964)Inspiring Leadership, Service to the College
Richard Lake (1970)Business, Inspiring Leadership, Service to the College
Stephen Hill (1959)International Recognition, Vision and Innovation
2024Christopher Chaplin (1977)Community Spirit, National and International Recognition, Service to the College
Christopher Berry (1976)Business, Inspiring Leadership, Service to the College
B. St. Michael Hylton (1968)Law, National and International Recognition
Trevor Munroe (1959)Community Spirit, Education, Inspiring Leadership, National and International Recognition, Service to the College